الدورات التدريبية

في مختبرات Naratech، نتخصص في تقديم برامج تدريبية ديناميكية وفعّالة مصممة خصيصًا لتلبية احتياجاتك الفريدة أو احتياجات مؤسستك. هدفنا هو تمكين الأفراد والفرق بالمهارات والمعرفة والثقة اللازمة للتفوق في بيئة العمل التنافسية اليوم. من خلال التركيز على التطبيق العملي والخبرة ذات الصلة بالصناعة، تسهم خدماتنا التدريبية في تعزيز النمو والابتكار وتحقيق النجاح المستدام. انضم إلينا لتمكين فريق عملك وتحقيق أهدافك من خلال تجارب تعلم تحويلية.

Training 1

Water Risk Management

The Water Risk Management Training is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to identify, assess, and mitigate water environmental-related risks in various contexts.

ISO 17025 (4)

ISO 17025:2017 -Technical Requirements

The ISO 17025:2017 Technical Requirements Training is designed to help participants understand and implement the technical aspects of the ISO 17025 standard, ensuring competence in testing and calibration laboratories.

Verification - Copy

Verification and Validation of Microbiological methods

The Verification and Validation of Microbiological Methods Training aims to equip participants with the expertise to design, conduct, and document verification and validation processes for microbiological methods. This ensures accuracy, reliability, and compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements.

Control chart (4)

Uncertainty Measurements& control chart-general guide

This training is designed to provide participants with a foundational understanding of uncertainty measurements and control charts. The program equips attendees with the skills to estimate measurement uncertainty and utilize control charts for monitoring and improving process accuracy and reliability.


Internal Audit

The Internal Audit Training is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to plan, conduct, report, and follow up on internal audits effectively. The training focuses on ensuring compliance with standards, identifying areas for improvement, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement within organizations.